
I, Taylor Stirm, am a solo, chamber and orchestral musician based in North Carolina. Through my solo work and clarinet trio, Chaos Incarné Trio, I aim to expand the clarinet repertoire through commissioning emerging composers from underrepresented communities.

Hear some of my performances here:

Recent solo commissions include Trial by Fire (2022) by Fransisco Javier de Alba, premiered at the 2022 International Clarinet Association “ClarinetFest” Conference in Reno, Nevada and take you all the way by Susanna Hancock, premiered at the 2023 ClarinetFest Conference in Denver, Colorado. I was honored to be described as a “hypnotic” performer in a review of a recital of Theresa Martin compositions at the 2023 ClarinetFest conference. Other conference performances include the 2022 Single Reed Summit in Columbia, South Carolina, the 2023 Low Clarinet Conference in Glendale, Arizona, and the 2023 HERo Conference in Tallahassee, Florida with my Chaos Incarné Trio.

In 2021, I served as the interim band director at Kyrene Altadeña Middle School in Phoenix, Arizona. Currently, I have a large private studio in North Carolina of clarinet and piano students, and am the clarinet instructor at the University of North Carolina School of the Arts Community Music School and the University of North Carolina-Greensboro Community Music School. I also serve as the North Carolina Student Representative for the International Clarinet Association.

I completed my BM in Performance and BME in Music Education at Arizona State University with Bob Spring and Josh Gardner, and studied conducting with Jason Caslor as part of my thesis “The Preparation, Rehearsal, and Performance of Recombobulation By Theresa Martin: One Conductor’s Perspective.” I earned a MM in Clarinet performance from the University of North Carolina-Greensboro, where I studied with Anthony Taylor and Andy Hudson. I am currently an Alumni/Hayes/Excellence Doctoral Fellow at UNCG, studying with Anthony Taylor and Luke Ellard.